Mario Gebbia

Founding Partner

University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (1995)
Since 2008 he has been registered with the special registry of lawyers admitted to legal representation before the Supreme Court of Appeal and Other Higher Courts.
Areas of Activity:
Environmental criminal law;
Labour criminal law, with special focus on the themes of occupational health and safety;
Industrial criminal law, with specific attention to issues pertaining to technical topics that relate to production activities;
Governance; the implementation of proxy systems; implementation aspects of Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liability of entities
Italian, English.

Maurizio Bortolotto

Founding Partner

University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2002)
Since 2014 he has been registered with the special registry of lawyers admitted to legal representation before the Supreme Court of Appeal and Other Higher Courts.
Areas of Activity:
Implementation aspects of Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liability of entities;
Industrial criminal law;
Company criminal law;
Italian, English.

Valentina Corino


University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2010)
Areas of activity
Labour criminal law;
Implementation aspects of Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liability of entities;
Environmental criminal law;
Company criminal law.
Italian, English.

Elisa Accornero

Salary Partner

University of Turin
Licence to practice: Registry of lawyers (2014)
Areas of Activity:
Implementation aspects of Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative responsibility of legal persons, also in relation to Legislative Decree 231/07 on anti-money laundering, especially in relation to the world of Real Estate;
Corporate criminal law with special reference to corporate governance systems and corporate compliance;
Labour criminal law with special focus on themes pertaining to occupational health and safety and environmental requirements;
Company criminal law.
Italian, English.

Carola Boggio Marzet

Salary Partner

University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2015)
Areas of Activity:
Environmental criminal law;
Crimes against the Public Administration;
Labour criminal law with special focus on occupational diseases;
Tax crimes;
Medical liability;
Implementation aspects of Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liability of entities as well as Law 190/2012 in relation to the prevention of corruption and the transparency of Public Bodies and Subsidiaries;
Tax control framework.
Italian, English and Spanish

Cristina Ajroldi


University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (1996)
Since 2010 she has been registered with the special registry of lawyers admitted to legal representation before the Supreme Court of Appeal and Other Higher Courts.
Areas of Activity:
Systems of governance and compliance with reference to the implications relative to the responsibilities deriving from Legislative Decree 231/01;
Crimes against the Public Administration;
Legislative Decree 81/08 Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety;
Legislative Decree 152/06 Consolidated Law on the Environment.
Italian, English and French.

Cristina Rabazzi

Of Counsel

Law Degree from the University of Bologna
Registered lawyer with the Professional Bar Council of Milan since 2008
Areas of Activity:
Corporate and Compliance Area in relation to Privacy (GDPR);
Corporate consultation in civil and commercial areas;
Legal and judicial assistance in corporate law.
Italian, English

Francesca Castelli


University of Turin
Licence to practice: Registry of lawyers (2018)
Areas of Activity:
Systems of governance and compliance with reference to the implications relative to the responsibilities deriving from Legislative Decree 231/01;
Legislative Decree 81/08 Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety;
Legislative Decree 152/06 Consolidated Law on the Environment;
Reg. (EU) 2016/679 on Privacy.
Italian, English.

Andrea Casiraghi


University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2021)
Areas of Activity:
Systems of governance and compliance with reference to the implications relative to the responsibilities deriving from Legislative Decree 231/01;
Legislative Decree 81/08 Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety;
Legislative Decree 152/06 Consolidated Law on the Environment.
Italian, English and Spanish

Davide Berti


University of Turin
Licence to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2021)
Areas of Activity:
Systems of governance and compliance with reference to the implications relative to the responsibilities deriving from Legislative Decree 231/01;
Legislative Decree 81/08 Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety;
Legislative Decree 152/06 Consolidated Law on the Environment.
Italian, English.

Rachele Rubiola


Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

License to practice:
Registry of lawyers (2024)

Area of activity:
Systems of governance and compliance with reference to the implications relative to the responsibilities deriving from Legislative Decree 231/01;
Legislative Decree 81/08 Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety;
Legislative Decree 152/06 Consolidated Law on the Environment.

Italian, English and Spanish.

Federico Bennardo


Matteo Manzo


Martina Cavaliere


Federica Grosso
